About My First EP "Fabula"

About My First EP "Fabula"

"And then comes a suitable reader, and the words - or, rather, the poetry hidden in the words, for words are but symbols by themselves - comes to life, and we bear witness to the resurrection of a world." Jorge Luis Borges

When I wrote the songs for my album "Fabula" ("Fable" in English) I realized that all tracks had something in common - to my surprise, they all somehow referred to traditional fairy tales for children. Characters such as Cinderella or Peter Pan had inadvertently woven into the fabric of my lyrics. It's amazing how those early tales manage to get such a hold on us, and one that lasts way beyond our childhood.

I guess one reason for this is we never stop telling ourselves stories. I dare say that these stories (whether borrowed or of our own making) play a fundamental role in how we understand our place in the world. What's more, they help us measure whether we have succeeded at what we set out to accomplish in life. Hero or villain, victim or perpetrator: when we grow up stages multiply by thousands but characters remain essentially the same.

Fortunately, Jorge Luis Borges' words carry an encouraging message: it's us as readers or writers who are in charge of bringing characters and stories to life. It's up to us to create as many once-upon-a-times as we please. A great reminder, right?

That's why I've decided to dedicate "Fabula" to all those of you who dare rewrite your own stories over and over again, as many times as it takes; those of you out there who despite all odds are still brave enough to bring to life implausible plots and unexpected lived-happily-ever-after endings. Here's to all of you and to the life-changing power of art!