How Do I Choose a Voice Teacher? Find the right match for you by considering these 5 areas

How Do I Choose a Voice Teacher? Find the right match for you by considering these 5 areas

Finding a voice teacher is an important step in a singer's career. What you may have found out through trial and error, you can learn from a teacher in one single lesson. However, this task is not always easy and it can seem a bit of a daunting experience, especially when you're starting out. So, how do you decide which teacher is right for you? What qualities should you be looking for in your teacher? In this article I've compiled a list of 5 areas you want to consider in order to make an informed choice. Here's what I believe you should be paying attention to:

1. Experience

It's important that your teacher has experience both as an educator and a singer. The more experienced your teacher is, the more they will be able to help you grow. Try to do some research and listen to your potential teacher perform. Remember it is important that you look up to them so you can trust them along the process. Also, consider what kind of genre you'd like to sing and try to find a teacher that specializes in it. Is it soul, pop or musical theatre? Whatever your target genre is, the more informed your teacher is, the better results you will get from their lesson.

2. Attitude towards students

Einstein was told by his schoolmaster that he would never amount to anything. John Lennon was told by his teacher that he was "Hopeless... Certainly in the road to failure". The truth is no teacher has a crystal ball and therefore cannot know for sure what their students might accomplish if they work hard on it. You should always feel
your teacher believes in you and has your back. If you don't, then by all means move on. As Gandalf put it: "Even the very wise cannot see all ends".

3. Budget

You'll see that some teachers charge a higher rate than others, so the question is: how much should you be spending in your singing lessons? Of course a higher rate doesn't necessarily mean you'll get a better education. But if it is within your budget, try to always make your decision based on the quality of the information you're going to get in return. In the long run, you'll see that your investment will most certainly pay off. Simply put, a great teacher's a shortcut and a lot less bumps along the way.

4. Online vs. face-to-face lessons

If you base your decision on proximity, choosing a teacher who lives in your area seems like the right choice to make. However, bear in mind that the right teacher for you may not be round the corner. This means you might have to consider travelling a longer distance or taking online lessons. If you choose the latter and you are beginning to learn to sing, you won't need much gear other than a camera, a mic and a good internet connection. However, as an intermediate or advanced student, you'll probably have to invest in a quality microphone and sound card so your teacher can hear your voice without distortions of any type.

5. Mentoring

Though this might not be a deal breaker, it's always great when your teacher helps you advance in your career. Giving you a heads up on a casting opportunity, suggesting a producer to work with, contacting a venue for a gig, or simply giving you moral support when you need it: all of these are real examples of how my own teachers have helped me along the way. This type of support is truly invaluable and some teachers are generous enough to go out of their way to help you grow as an artist. Of course, this doesn't just happen overnight. It's the result of a genuine relationship which you can only build over time. It's a two-way street where mutual respect is key.

I hope you've found this article useful. Even though it may take time and effort, remember finding the right teacher is instrumental to grow as a singer. Best of luck and don't forget to subscribe to my newsletter if you're interested in receiving singing-related content delivered straight to your mailbox.