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Jimena Cabrera is a singer/songwriter and voice teacher born in Buenos Aires, Argentina. She has released two albums as an independent artist: Fábula (2015) and Posdata (2018). Her songs mix the fresh boldness of pop with a distinct poetic style which portrays her take on universal themes such as love, heartbreak, freedom and identity.

When she isn’t writing new music or sharing her stories in front of a live audience, she enjoys teaching singing and working as a freelance songwriter.

In her own words: “It’s all about helping others grow and express themselves through music.”

At present, Jimena is in the process of writing and recording her third studio album.


Check Jimena's latest videos and pics


“Do not go where the path may lead; go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.”

Ralph W. Emerson

Are you a beginner or an advanced student? No matter where you stand in your journey, I’d love to help you in the process of becoming your own artist persona. Whether it is body alignment, projection or expanding your vocal range, think of voice technique as the building blocks that will give you a better control over your sound and what you want to express through singing.

Contact me for more information on course options, fees, technical requirements, how to book a lesson and any other doubt you might have. Hope you get in touch soon!

Contact Jimena for more information on her Vocal Training Online Lessons or go to FIVERR and choose the course option that better suits your needs.

Go to Fiverr


Can you imagine what it feels like to sing a track that’s unique and a true reflection of who you are as an artist? Would you like to sing an original song tailored to your specific needs (i.e. voice range, theme or aesthetics)?

You might have great lyrics but find it hard to come up with the right music for it; you might have the perfect melody but no lyrics to go along with it; or it may be the case you need help creating a song from scratch. That’s where a songwriter comes in: I can help you take full creative control of your music career. Let’s bring your vision to life!

Contact Jimena for Information on her Freelance Songwriting Services.
You can also reach her at SOUNDBETTER!
Jimena Cabrera, Songwriter - Lyric on SoundBetter

songwriting service


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How Do I Choose a Voice Teacher? Find the right match for you by considering these 5 areas
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